An Artist Walk by R.M. Sánchez-Camus
Marshes walk takes you on an unfamiliar journey through a familiar territory. The walk guides you on a route and invites you to view the world through fresh eyes and imagine your urban surroundings as they once were, are, and could be. A narrated 28 minute journey into the marshes about legends, myth and geography.
The walk begins in front of the curved brick wall on the corner of Millfields Rd and Mandeville St on the edge of Hackney's Lower Clapton, just across from the green bridge (Cow Bridge) that crosses the the River Lea.
Click for location of starting point
You are invited listen to the walk on headphones by downloading the audio file to your device or stream directly to your smartphone.
To download click here then click download
To play now press the orange play button below or to go to soundcloud click here
To download click here then click download
To play now press the orange play button below or to go to soundcloud click here
Musical score composed and edited by: Jasmin Kent Rodgman
Female voice work: Debbi Sutton
Male voice work: Paulo Rivera
The walk is best experienced as a solo walk, but possible in groups or pairs. Suitable footwear is recommended. The walk is site-specific so it is best not to listen to the audio in advance, unless you physically cannot do the walk then you are welcome to listen and journey in your imagination.
Thank you for their support on the project:
Tom Crehan (violinist), Sophie McKechnie (cellist), Alex McDonald, Maria Agiomyrgiannaki, Jenna Rossi-Camus, Siobhan Grehan and Bernie from Mandeville Primary School, Patrick Furness